How to Scavenger Hunt

Can I interest you in a smooth running Scavenger Hunt?

To help make sure your Scavenger Hunt runs smoothly we have provided a tip sheet for your players. Step 1- you’ve built your Scavenger Hunt on the Social Scavenger Platform.  If not, go back and tackle Step 1 first. Awesome, now it’s time to prep your players.  It doesn’t matter if this is for a conference, company team […]

Scavenger Hunt Social Scavenger

Scavenger Hunts for Dating? Swipe Right!

When a singles club was looking for something fun and Gnome-like (see video) to launch to their members they decided it was time to upgrade pen and pencil and launch some fantastic fun times with a mobile Social Scavenger Hunt. Take a look at the wrap up video from their adventure, from beatboxing to eating […]

Features How to Scavenger Hunt

Adding Bonus Points Heats Up Your Scavenger Hunt

Tired of getting the same 10 points as Billy even though your photo was way better than his?  Look no further than this quick guide on how you can award bonus points in your next Scavenger Hunt. Why bonus points? You likely don’t want to have to score every single submission in your game.  We […]

How to Scavenger Hunt Team Building

Easy Guide to Joining Your Scavenger Hunt

What’s a team?  Once in a while we get asked  a few questions about the definition of a team and how you join the app and play your Scavenger Hunt if you are  solo or with a group of people.  The PDF here has a quick and easy guide that you can share with your players or […]

Features Scavenger Hunt

New Scavenger Hunt Features for Fall 2015

We’re excited to have just released another updated version of our mobile Scavenger Hunt platform with a few great new features for fall 2015.   Get the most out of your hunting, scavenging, team building, campaigns and mobile adventures! New features and functionality for Social Scavenger include:  Easier navigation through challenges Step by step GPS directions […]

app How to Scavenger Hunt

Creating a Scavenger Hunt in 5 minutes

How quickly can you create a Mobile Scavenger Hunt? I guess it depends on how fast you can type and if you already have some challenges in mind…but for people looking to get a quick and dirty version up and tested – here is a video walking you through how to build a Scavenger Hunt […]