How to Scavenger Hunt Team Building

Easy Guide to Joining Your Scavenger Hunt

What’s a team?  Once in a while we get asked  a few questions about the definition of a team and how you join the app and play your Scavenger Hunt if you are  solo or with a group of people.  The PDF here has a quick and easy guide that you can share with your players or […]

Scavenger Hunt Social Scavenger Team Building User Generated White Label

Innovative Education: Bringing Gamification into the Classroom

Take gamification, introduce it to a classroom full of eager students, and you’ve got a new innovative way to educate students.  Gami-what? If you have no idea what gamification is, it might help to start off by reading our previous post, the benefits of gamification in your experiential campaign. Over there, we cover what gamification is, and how it […]

Augmented Reality Commercial Games Features GPS How to Scavenger Hunt Social Scavenger Sponsorship Team Building Trivia User Generated Video Campaign White Label

The Best Practices in Creating Your Own Experiential Mobile Campaign

Social Scavenger game offers six challenges for you to take advantage of. Each in their own unique way, provides an opportunity for you players to become engaged with you, your game, and your brand. We’ve come across many different scenarios here at Social Scavenger, from creators to players, failures to triumphs… And with that, we’re […]

Content of the Week Social Scavenger Team Building User Generated White Label

Holiday Team Office Party: Team Building Activity Reel

We got you covered this holiday season’s end-of-the-year event. Put an end to your party planning headache through one single simple solution. The Social Scavenger app will be the answer to this year’s office function. We’ve already enlightened you why a gamification route is the answer to planning your holiday event including: selecting activities, what to bring, […]

Commercial Games Scavenger Hunt Social Scavenger Team Building User Generated White Label

The Calm Before the Planning: End of the Year Office Party

The year is coming to a delightful end. Your company has had fruitful year, now time to give back thanks to your hard working team. Most companies would throw a predictable dinner, or drinks at a bar. But your company is unlike all those other boring, plain, hoity-toity companies, right? Change up the tiring tradition this year by […]