Augmented Reality Commercial Games Features Scavenger Hunt Social Scavenger Sponsorship Team Building User Generated White Label

Why use Sticker Challenges in Your Mobile Game?

… Because Augmented Reality (Stickers) are easier than it sounds. So what is Augmented Reality? It is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. But Social Scavenger has simplified it down to easy-to-upload images that will transfer onto your […]

Content of the Week User Generated

Cheer Up Tens: Video Reel of the Week

We’re coming at you with another round of awesome high five challenges. A few Social Scavengers filming themselves high fiving others strangers and other team mates. Get as crazy and abstract as you can get! Who said high fives can only be done by two people standing? Make someone’s day while scoring some cool points […]

Scavenger Hunt Social Scavenger Team Building User Generated White Label

Case Study: Experiential Mobile Campaign Gets Gamified

Adding an experiential element to your next campaign? Incorporating an experiential layer of mobile to your next campaign is a great way to connect your online and offline worlds- so what are you waiting for?  Employing the benefits of mobile smartphone technology, you’ll be introducing your brand to users in a completely new and invigorating way.  Why […]

Content of the Week Scavenger Hunt Social Scavenger Team Building User Generated Video Campaign White Label

Street Challenge Wins and Loses: Video Reel of the Week

With the Social Scavenger app as the framework, and the city as their playground, these Social Scavenger players used every side street and every manhole to rack up the most points. Test players by incorporating obstacles in your city to fulfill challenges. Break out of social norm and let users create lasting impressions with your brand. The […]